Domestic Court Rules
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All pleadings filed with the Court must contain the name of the Court, proper style of the case and number, the Judge and Magistrate to whom the case is assigned, and the name, Ohio Supreme Court registration number, address, and telephone number of the attorney filing the pleading. Further, all pleadings filed with the Court must be typed on letter size paper, approximately 8 ½” x 11”, in no less than 12 point font.

Due to technological changes in the Court's computerized docket management system, all motions, memoranda contra, and replies shall be titled in the following manner:


MOTION OF (Plaintiff/Defendant) (Party Name)

(to/for) (type of motion)



MEMORANDUM CONTRA OF (Plaintiff/Defendant) (Party Name)

To (Plaintiff/Defendant) (Party Name)'s

MOTION (to/for) (type of motion) FILED (date of motion)



REPLY MEMORANDUM OF (Plaintiff/Defendant) (Party Name)

Further, all Separation Agreements filed with the Court must be on a separate paper (not included in the body of the pleadings) and styled as Separation Agreement.

Upon the filing of an action for divorce, dissolution, legal separation, annulment, CIVIL PROTECTION ORDER or an action for custody or support of a child or children filed in the Domestic Relations Court pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 2151.233, or any post-decree motion, except motions for continuance, the party so filing shall file a certificate stating whether the action has or has not been previously filed and dismissed or withdrawn. If the action was previously filed and dismissed or withdrawn, the party shall state the Judge or Magistrate to whom the case was assigned, and the case number of the previous case. If another motion is currently pending, the party shall state the Judge or Magistrate to whom the motion is assigned.

The Clerk of this Court may refuse to receive for filing any pleadings which do not conform to this rule.

(Amended, eff 1/1/90; 7/1/93; 7/1/95; 7/1/99; 8/1/04; 9/30/15; 10/30/19)