Franklin County Juvenile Traffic Court

The Juvenile Traffic Court, located at 373 South High Street Columbus, Ohio 43215, handles all traffic related matters for the youth of Franklin County unless a youth has other cases pending before the Court. The Juvenile Traffic Court operates Monday - Thursday. All juveniles must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or attorney in traffic court proceedings.

Juveniles should bring their probationary license or temporary permit and proof of insurance to court. Courtroom attire is expected. All cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off while inside the courtroom.  
No continuances will be granted by phone. If you need to request a continuance, please do so as far in advance as possible. To request a continuance, the juvenile, a family member or an attorney must come to court and request the continuance in writing on a form that may be obtained from the Clerk’s Office or the Court Officer. Continuances will only be granted for good cause shown.
Juvenile Traffic Violations Bureau

Please refer to Local Juvenile Rule 15 to determine if a traffic offense is one which may be paid at the Clerk’s Office or if a Court appearance is mandatory.  If this citation represents a first moving violation and if the offense charged does not appear in the offenses listed in Local Juvenile Rule 15 or if the offense is a non-moving violation, then the juvenile and a parent or an attorney may waive their court appearance, admit the offence and pay the fine and court costs at the Clerk’s Office, by mail, or in our drop box (coming soon). 

IF THE CLERK DETERMINES THAT YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO WAIVE YOUR APPEARANCE, YOU WILL RECEIVE A LETTER IN THE MAIL WITH THE REQUIRED FORMS AND THE TOTAL AMOUNT OWED. If you have questions regarding the necessity of a court appearance or the amount due on a specific offense, you may contact the Clerk’s Office by calling (614) 525-5279.
Please refer to the schedule of Juvenile Traffic Court Costs and Fines to determine the amount that will be due on the offense charged.

If this is a second or subsequent moving violation for you or if the offense charged is one that is listed in Local Juvenile Rule 15, the case must be heard and determined by a Judge or a Magistrate of the Court.
Payment of fines and court costs

IN PERSON. Payment may be made by cash, check, money order, debit card or credit card. Payment by credit card will include an additional 3% convenience fee and must be presented with a valid picture ID. Check or money order is to be made out to Franklin County Clerk of Courts. Payment may be made in person at the Clerk's Juvenile Division at 373 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. Please note that no partial payments will be accepted. You may request more time to pay fines and court costs by appearing in person, prior to the enforcement date, and requesting an extension of time.

IF PAYMENT IS PERMITTED BY MAIL.  Payment may be made by check or money order only. Check or money order is to be made out to Franklin County Clerk of Courts. Payment may be mailed to the Clerk's Juvenile Division at 373 South High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215. Please note that no partial payments will be accepted.

If PAYMENT IS PERMITTED BY DROP BOX. Payment may be made by check or money order only. Check or money order is to be made out to Franklin County Clerk of Courts and should be placed in an envelope with required forms. Please note that no partial payments will be accepted.
If you have questions regarding the necessity of a court appearance, whether a payment may be made by mail or drop box, or the amount due on a specific offense, you may contact the Clerk’s Office by calling (614) 525-5279.
Mandatory license suspensions
  • If a juvenile is adjudicated of committing a second moving violation, the juvenile’s driving privileges must be suspended for a ninety-day period.
  • If a juvenile is adjudicated of committing three or more moving violations, a one year driving right suspension will be imposed.

  • The Bureau of Motor Vehicles will suspend the driving privileges of anyone who is determined to be driving without insurance. For more information, please visit:
Interpreter Services

If you or the parent or guardian who will be attending the hearing with you will require a foreign language interpreter, please contact Interpreter Services at (614) 525-4463 as far in advance of your hearing as possible to request the presence of an interpreter at the hearing.
Additional Contact Information

Juvenile Traffic Court Magistrate
Woodrow Hudson
Phone: (614) 525-5295

Juvenile Traffic Court Clerk’s Office
Phone: (614) 525-5279
Fax: (614) 525-8540

Court Appointed Counsel Office
Phone: (614) 525-3248

Franklin County Public Defender’s Office
Phone: (614) 525-3248

Interpreter Services
Phone: (614) 525-4463