It is the intention of Courtroom 65 to structure hearings pursuant to the following:
Pre-trial hearings may be held by ZOOM. If parties are represented by counsel, party appearances may be waived by mutual agreement. Parties MUST file a Pretrial Statement at least one (1) full business day in advance of the final pretrial.
Status hearings may be held by ZOOM. If parties are represented by counsel, party appearances are waived.
Settlement conferences will be held in person. Counsel or the parties should be in a position that any and all issues may be discussed in detail.
Objection hearings may proceed on the pleadings, if agreed, and by waiver of oral argument. The court will extend a time period for supplemental pleadings upon request. Oral arguments will be held in person only.
Motion hearings will be held in person to determine if the matter can be decided upon the pleadings or if an evidentiary hearing is necessary.
Evidentiary hearings will proceed in person.
Arranging the appearance:
If one or more parties are Pro Se, opposing counsel shall arrange to have Pro Se parties on the video conference.
If your case was assigned as a video hearing, such hearings will be conducted using the ZOOM application, available at
All requests to hold hearings via ZOOM must be filed no later than 48 hours prior to the scheduled hearing.