Prior to her election in 2006, Judge Elizabeth Gill had 18 years of litigation experience. Her practice was limited exclusively to family law matters. She also served as a court appointed Guardian ad Litem in family court proceedings.
In her ongoing effort to improve outcomes for Franklin County’s juveniles and families, Judge Gill currently serves as lead Judge for the Juvenile Advisory Committee and the Crossover Imitative. She actively participates and contributes the Juvenile Detention Alternate Initiative (JDAI) and has personally extended the Court’s use of Restorative Justice practices in the Franklin County Juvenile Court by implementing community Juvenile Restorative Circles. Past efforts to improve outcomes for juveniles and families include co-sponsoring Permanency Values Training along with the Casey Family Programs and Franklin County Children’s Services. In both Domestic and Juvenile Court she continues to work to improve case flow processes for the timely finalization of all family matters.
Judge Gill was appointed to the Commission on the Rules of Practice and Procedure by the Supreme Court of Ohio to serve for two consecutive three year terms. She is a member of the Franklin County Democratic Women’s Club, the American Judge’s Association, the Ohio State Bar Association, the Columbus Bar Association, and the Ohio Association of Domestic Judges, Ohio Association of Juvenile Court Judges, the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges.
She previously served as a member of the Executive Committee for District 4 of the Ohio Association of Juvenile Court Judges.
Volunteer efforts include past participation in the Big Brothers & Big Sisters mentoring programs, Lawyer to Lawyer Mentoring Program, two term board member for Alvis house and volunteering with the Dominican Learning Center (DLC) helping improve literacy for are adults.