(A) Removal and Reinstatement:
In addition to removal pursuant to §4.3 (D), attorneys / guardians ad litem may be removed from any court appointment list(s) with the approval of a majority of the judges of the Domestic Relations and Juvenile Court if, in the estimation of the Court, that an attorney / guardian ad litem failed to comply with the duties and responsibilities required of them as set forth in the Court’s Local Rules, Sup. R. 48, or the “Standards of Representation of Clients in Juvenile Delinquency Cases,” as all may be updated or supplemented from time to time. After removal from any list pursuant to this section, an attorney / guardian ad litem may not seek reinstatement of eligibility for six months and thereafter must submit a new application requesting reinstatement. Attorneys / guardians ad litem losing eligibility may also be required to complete orientation, continuing education training, and meeting requirements.
(B) Annual Review and Evaluation: At least annually, the court shall conduct a review of its list to determine that all individuals are in compliance with the training and education requirements of this rule, that they have performed satisfactorily on all assigned cases during the preceding calendar year and are otherwise qualified to serve.
(C) Written Complaints: The administrative magistrate or her/his designee shall accept and consider written comments and complaints regarding the performance of attorneys and guardians ad litem practicing before that court. A copy of comments and complaints submitted to the court shall be provided to the attorney or guardian ad litem who is the subject of the complaint or comment. The administrative magistrate shall forward any comments and complaints to the administrative judge of the court for consideration and appropriate action following disposition of the complaint. Dispositions by the court shall be made promptly. The court shall maintain a written record in the attorney's/guardian ad litem's file regarding the nature and disposition of any comment or complaint and shall notify the person making the comment or complaint and the subject attorney/guardian ad litem of the disposition.
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