Court Reporters
373 South High Street
3rd floor
Columbus, Ohio  43215
(614) 525-3631

Linda A. Schilt, RPR
Amy L. Miller, RPR
(614) 525-3627

Cindy L. Cunningham
(614) 525-3358

Cathy S. McClure, RPR
(614) 525-4594

Jennifer E. Davis
(614) 525-2723
Court reporting is a highly specialized skill that demands high levels of concentration and the ability to make a verbatim record after completion of technical training and education in a court reporting program. A verbatim record of court proceedings is made by writing on a stenotype machine using Realtime transcription at speeds of up to 225 words per minute.
What courts do the Court Reporters cover?
  • Domestic Court and Juvenile Court on the 3rd and 6th floors.
How to request a court reporter?
  • Notify the court officer or bailiff in the courtroom where your hearing is being held that you want a court reporter to make a verbatim record hearing. The court officer or bailiff will call the court reporter’s office before your record hearing begins.
How to pay for a court reporter?
  • The Clerk of Courts charges a per diem fee of $25 to pay for a court reporter for domestic cases. The fee should be paid before the record hearing begins and is paid at the Domestic Clerk of Courts on the 4th floor.
What is a transcript?
  • A verbatim record of the court proceedings. A transcript is not produced in written form until ordered.
  • A transcript may be used for personal use, discovery purposes, to file an objection or appeal with the Domestic /Juvenile Court or Court of Appeals.
How to order a transcript?
  • Contact the court reporter’s office at (614) 525-3631, or if you know the name of the court reporter, contact her directly via phone or email which is listed on the web page.
  • The court reporter needs to know the name of the case, case number, date of the hearing.  She will give you an estimated cost and will require a deposit before the original transcript is started.  The estimate is based upon a per-page rate and how quickly you need it. Normal delivery is 30 days. When the transcript is finished, the court reporter will call you to tell you of the balance owed and when you can pick up your transcript. Payment can be made via check, money order, cash or other electronic means.  The original transcript must be complete for a copy to be available.  All transcripts must be purchased through the court reporter.

How does the transcript get filed?

  • The court reporter will file your transcript upon request once it’s ordered.
How long are exhibits retained?
  • Five years.


Tips on Creating an Accurate Record:

The court reporter is providing a very special skill called Realtime, similar to closed captioning, to the presider. You can help ensure an accurate record by doing the following:

  • Speak loudly and clearly so that all participants can hear your answers.
  • Speak at a reasonable speed. Reporters are certified to take down the record at speeds of 225+ words per minute, but at greater speeds, the accuracy of the record will suffer. Do not take offense if asked to slow your pace.
  • Make it a point to speak one at a time.
  • Wait for the entire question to be asked before answering to avoid interrupting.
  • Gesturing, pointing and indicating are problematic in a written record. Descriptive words help create a clean record.
  • Spell out proper names; clarify acronyms; state figures in full.
  • Quote accurately and slowly when reading.
  • Avoid non-verbal responses like shaking or nodding the head or saying uh-huh or uh-uh. These types of responses can easily be confused when reading the written transcript at a later date.
  • If your attorney has an objection, allow them to place it on the record before answering.
  • Take your time.